The Educated Singles Club is the global club for singles who have at least a masters degree. All membership applications are thoroughly assessed before a membership is granted. This way, you as a member can rest assured that all the fellow members are who they pretend to be.

Why don't we accept social media login in the Educated Singles Club

It is very popular with social media login or social media signup when we register at websites. And some of our members have been asking us why we don't have that feature in Educated Singles Club when we ask prospective members for a link to their LinkedIn profile during the application process anyway.

We don't use social media signup or login because

It would compromise our privacy rules. Every time you use your social media account to sign up or log in to a website you agree to pass on a lot of information to a third party. We don't want that - neither to give or receive information that way.

It also creates an unfortunate bonding with a third party (a social media) that we cannot control. They can change their access procedures anytime they want without notice - and they often do. That can cause that members can't log in or that you as a user pass on a lot of new information to a social media without you knowing it.

It is none of Facebooks, LinkedIn's, or Twitter's business that you are a member of The Educated Singles Club. Period!

That is why we will never have social media login and we recommend you don't use it at all. We know it is convenient, but you pay a very high price for that convenience.

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