The Educated Singles Club is the global club for singles who have at least a masters degree. All membership applications are thoroughly assessed before a membership is granted. This way, you as a member can rest assured that all the fellow members are who they pretend to be.

Proof: A lot of dating sites only want to make money from your personal information

You are single and you turn to a dating to help you find the right partner for you. If you are not careful you might be heading right into a scam. The Educated Singles Club provide the proof in this article.

Many, so-called dating sites, have no interest at all in helping you finding a partner. They only want to collect as many information as possible about, which they then can sell of to 3 party companies.

Free is very expensive

Maybe you are tempted by a dating site, where you can get a profile for free. But think twice. If you are getting a profile for free, then who is paying for their website, administration and often huge marketing budgets? Yes — YOU are. And the price you are paying is very high. You pay with all your personal details, which can be sold to anybody who wants to buy.

The Educated Singles Club has been offered thousands of fake profiles

We have been offered thousands of fake profiles (could be your profile if you have signed up on one of these scam sites). The sales argument was that it would look like we were much bigger than we actually were. Later when we have grown organically we could remove the fake profiles.

Naturally we, The Educated Singles Club, rejected the “offer”.

Read the terms and conditions carefully

How often do you read the terms and conditions when signing up on a webpage or app? When it comes to dating sites you definitely should. Below are the terms and conditions for a dating site that is active in our segment. Please read it.

In Europe, where The Educated Singles Club is based, transparency and privacy protection has been mandatory for years. In California, USA, where this company resides it is very recent and still not at European levels when it comes to consumer protection.

But it has forced some player to reveal their real purpose, in this case collecting and selling your private information.

You don’t want that do you?

The Educated Singles Club is different - Here is how:

  1. The mission of The Educated Singles Club is to provide a safe environment for well-educated singles where they can be certain that the fellow members are who they pretend to be. And they can be sure, that the information they provide will not be shared with anyone else — ever.
  2. We guarantee your privacy and we do not share your information with anyone.
  3. We are a club where you, as a member, pay a membership fee. That is how we are financed. That means we have no other interest than keeping our members happy
  4. As we are a global club, based in Europe, we submit to the European privacy laws, which are the toughest in the world
  5. All our members have at least a masters degree. We have a thorough ID and education level check during the membership application approval process. We reject more than 90% of the membership application.
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